I want to use a couple series 2 xbees in a more or less point to point architecture. One end is connected to a PC, the other end is connected to a remote display which has a minimal user interface (no buttons, etc).
Normally I would set the Xbee connected to the PC to be the coordinator, and remote display to be the router/end device. Preset all the PAN IDs on all units to the same before shipping. When the customer turns them on, I think they should find each other.
This should work ok for one pair. But, if the end customer orders another set… They have the same PAN ID, so there could be problems with the end devices joining up with the wrong coordinator.
Can anyone suggest a way to make multiple pairs work without resorting to adding switches to the remote display to allow setting of the PAN ID?
If you are using this as a simple point to point application, is there a reason why you chose the XBee Series 2 radios to do this? Point to point applications may be performed much easier using the XBee Series 1 radios instead, as they use only the 802.15.4 standard and do not rely on the ZigBee protocol with it’s accompanying overhead. Unless mesh networking is required, I would suggest working with the Series 1 over the Series 2 for point to point applications.
There may be possible solutions for your application to solve the issue of customer ordering multiple pairs. There are up to 17 different channels for the radios to operate on, as well as 65,000+ PAN ID in each of the channels. This should allow for more pairs of radios than is probably necessary. The trick is to make sure that they aren’t on the same channel AND PAN ID so that end devices won’t associate to the wrong coordinator.
When a coordinator first powers up, you can force it to select a PAN ID and/or a channel to operate on. You also have the opportunity to allow it to select one or both of these options itself. Once a channel and PAN ID have been selected, and the end device has associated, you can set a parameter that will disallow further association to that network, effectively blocking other devices from association to that particular network. Future coordinators will have to choose a different channel and or PAN ID, and the end devices will need to associate only to a netowrk allowing joining. After the first node has joined, you have your pair, and the further joining can be disallowed at that point.
I agree with the above poster. On another note: if you wanted to switch over to Series 1 I have two series 1’s which I’m not using and would be happy to swap for a couple(2?) series two’s. They are brand new and even in the little protecting plastic