power supply anywhereUSB 2 Plus

I bought a anywhere USB 2 Plus for 420 euro. Digi delivers this standard without a power supply. The device doesn’t support POE. Power supply needed is 5 V max. 5 A, not something you have on the shell. What is DIGI thinking? In the box there is a card with the text.

“POWER SUPPLY REQUIREMENTS: This device may include a power supply. If a power supply is not in the box, this device shall be powered by a power supply with a Direct Plugin Class 2 output transformer rated 9-30 VDC, 1.5 A output.”

If you do that, I think it is the fasted way to destroy the AnywhereUSB. Please Digi change this. If you want to frustrate the customer deliver your equipment like this.

Please contact Digi Support using the tech.support@digi.com email address about this.

It looks like you have two issues.

The first one is the 5V 5A requirements. Annoyingly, hidden in the manual is…

The Hub draws 5 Amp maximum when both USB ports are drawing 1.8 Amps each.

If you deduct 3.6 from 5 you get 1.4 which is what the AnywhereUSB 2 plus needs to run. From there you need at least 500ma for each USB so Digi recommend a 5VDC 3A psu.

These may be used instead of the recommended power supply kit if USB port charging is not required:

AC Power Supply: US plug to 5 VDC. 2.5 mm locking barrel plug (3 A max). Digi PN 76000934.
AC Power Supply: EU plug to 5 VDC. 2.5 mm locking barrel plug (3 A max). Digi PN 76000935.
AC Power Supply: Standard Temperature, Universal plugs (US, EU, UK, AU) to 5 VDC. 2.5 mm locking barrel plug (3 A max). Digi PN 76002021.


Secondly, the extra card is on Digi manufacturing so I guess tech support is your only path there :frowning:

Nicholas Wilson
Your IoT