Problems with serial ports TS 8


We have a Windows 2003 server (SP1) running realport and a Portserver TS8. We are having problems with our serial ports. In eventviewer we can see the follwing message appear the whole time:

The driver could not authenticate the device for COM9. Please verify that the driver and device secrets match.

We get this message from all of the serial ports. We have uppgraded to the latest firmware (82000684_R3) and (82000685_G) for the post firmware.

We have also installed the latest realportdriver from Digi:s website. We have tried to use both with encryption (port 1027) and without encryption (port 771).

Anyone who knows what to do?

Was there any solution to this problem?

We are having exactly the same problem with a Portserver TS 4 MEI.

Firmware Version: Version 82000747_T1 02/21/2007
RealPort driver: 4.0.332.0 06/04/2007

The RealPort driver installs fine and creates 4 "Standard RealPort Device - Port x (COMx) ports in device manager. The status in the advanced properties of the device says “Connected”.

I can ping the PortServer, use the web interface and even telnet (2001) to reach the modem connected on port 1 without any problem.

But the serial ports on my computer do never show up, only the physical COM1 is available on my computer. But COM2 (port 1) to COM5 (port 4) do never show up in the COM port list.

And in the event viewer I find the following error messages for ALL the ports:

“The driver could not authenticate the device for COM2. Please verify that the driver and device secrets match.”

followed by:

“Serial Port COM2 could not be opened for System. The device either lost its network connection to the device or the local driver is being disabled.”

“The driver could not authenticate the device for COM2. Please verify that the driver and device secrets match.”

Could mean that authentication has been enabled via the Device Manager (on the Security tab, “Authentication Secret:” should be blank), but the error code is also used for a driver message from the device, RP_OPEN_RESOURCE_PROBLEM, which means the remote device reported a resource allocation problem.

So, assuming “Authentication Secret” isn’t set, the next step would be to figure out why the device is replying with a resource allocation problem.

Regardiong the other error message:

“Serial Port COM2 could not be opened for System. The device either lost its network connection to the device or the local driver is being disabled.”

This is probably happening on boot and can be ignored, because Serenum is enabled and the driver/device isn’t ready yet. If you don’t have any modems attached, you could go to the device properties in the Device Manager, and then for each port there’s an Advanced tab with the checkbox, “Do Not Scan Modems on Boot (Serenum SkipEnumerations)”. Check that for each port (or just for one port and use the Copy Settings… button) and I think those messages will go away.

As for the resource allocation issue, it would be best to contact Technical Support and look into this more indepth.