Python 2.6

In the Read ME for Dia 1.2.19 it mentions that support has been added 2.6. Specifically:
“* Added support for Python 2.6 for future Digi device software”

Does that mean we can start using 2.6 for Dia development or is that not quite there?


You’ll have to wait a bit still. Although the Dia is ready for it, there aren’t any releases of firmware that actually come with the 2.6 interpreter. Once there is you’ll be able to make use of it.

If you telnet into your device and start the python interpreter, you’ll see the version print out. It’ll be 2.4.3 for now, but eventually firmware will be released that supports 2.6.


Chris, can you give a rough idea of when that firmware might be available?


I don’t happen to know the timeline for switching to the Python 2.6 interpreter in firmware. I can look into it more if you’d like, or perhaps someone else will have some more info on the timeline.
