Digi releases an IDE for iDigi Dia and Python development.

Hello all,

Digi has recently released a development framework for iDigi Dia and Python projects. It contains a graphic IDE based on Eclipse that facilitates the development process including remote debugging and iDigi connectivity.

You can find the installation instructions here:

Kind regards.

The documentation states that the ConnectPort X4 requires a “Plug and Play” version. Elsewhere it is referred to as 2.9.2.

I do not see that version of firmware on the support page. Is this still in development? Is there a beta version?

There was a mistake with the required firmware version for the different ConnectPort modules. A package has been released to fix the issue (you can install it using the Package Manager) and this is the correct device firmware requeriments for the remote debugging:

ConnectPort X2 - (To be released)
ConnectPort X4 -
ConnectPort X4 H (NEMA) -
ConnectPort X8 -
Embedded Gateway -


No document found for this software?

What do you reffer to with no document?

If you reffer to documentation and help abou the environment, Digi ESP for Python has a fully embedded html documentation in the IDE. To access to that help open Digi ESP, go to Help menu and then click on Help Contents. A new window will open listing all the available help books at the left side. Click on Digi ESP for Python book to access to Digi ESP help.

Hope that helps.

Kind regards.

OK, I have found it. Thanks!

Did you actually remove this software? I can’t find it on the FTP site mentioned in the Word document.

You are right, that document has been changed recently with the new release. Please, find the updated document here:



Thanks, for some reason I did not see your reply earlier.