Python error "Adapter is not a XBeeSensorLTHadapter"

I am using an XStick as a API coordinator with two LTH Xbee sensors. I have downloaded the file and attempted to run the while changing the address to that of one of the sensors.

I am now receiving the error

raise ValueError, “Adapter is not a %s” % (GetXBeeProductName(XBeeSensorLTHAdapter))

I have looked online and found that making sure the DD value in XCTU for the sensor is 3000D may work. This was not the case. Any suggestions?

Have you looked at the following forum post?

I appreciate the help, however, this does not solve my situation. All that person did was change the script to work as the by telling the script to check if it was an LTH adapter, which it was.

My LTH sensor’s Digi Device value is set to 3000D as is indicated to be for LTH devices from

I am unable to run the script due to it telling me my device is not an LTH device even though it is and has the correct value as indicated in the script. Any suggestions? I am literally banging my head against the wall here.