Question about “source routing”

I am a user on the XBee PRO S2B. I have some questions about behaviors of “source routing” provided by this product.

For example, it is supposed that a network consists of 1 coordinator and 5 routers (R1, R2, R3, R4, and R5). To send a source routed packet to R4, the application send a “Create Source Route” API frame (0x21).

In this case, the “Create Source Route” API frame is configured as follows.

Create Source Route (API 1)
Start delimiter: 7E
Length: 0x0014
Frame type: 0x21 (Create Source Route)
Frame ID: 0x00
64-bit dest. address: 0x0013A200 404A1234
16-bit dest. address: 0xEEEE
Route options: 0x00
Number of addresses: 0x03
Address 1: 0xCCCC
Address 2: 0xBBBB
Address 3: 0xAAAA
Checksum: 0x18

Device 16-bit address 64-bit address
R4 0xDDDD 0x0013A200 404A1234

Question 1:
When R5 is located between R2 and R3, is R5 aligned on the route (Coordinator->R1->R2->R3->R4) if a source routed packet is issued?

Question 2:
Is a source routed packet always transferred according according to the provisioning sequence of all intermediate devices?

Only if there is no other way for data to flow. That is if R2 and R3 are in range, then R5 will not be used.

a source rout packet will always take the least amount of hops as possible and will transfer in the rout specified.