Rabbit to SQL Server?

Hi All

I am using the rabbit sys to read values from some sensors to display it on the webserver running in it. I am trying to insert those values into an SQL Server database.

Have anyone worked on similar solution. If yes. please give some advice to
how to do it?

(Using RCM 3200/Dynamic C 9.52 )

Thanks in advance

Hi again All!!

ok! so nobody replied.
anyway, i figured out that using web service is the way to the solution.
I have created a webservice on the host running the database(SQL Server)

what i need to do is : submit data by calling that webservice through parameters.

i have looked at the dynamic c samples, but still no sure how to do it.

if anyone have done similar work, please give some thoughts and samples.
thanks again

I am interested in your project.
Howz the thing going? Is a cool idea.

I have interfaced Rabbit programs to SQL through an intermediate server. The easiest way is to setup an HTTP server that allows parameterized GET requests. These are in the form of:


where server is server name or address, port is the port it accepts http requests on (optional), servicename is a name identifying the service your requesting, and parameter# and value# are a list of parameters and values you are assigning to that parameter. This is easy to do with a Rabbit as you just build the string with the desired GET request. My server responds with XML tagged responses, but it could be something different. The server gets a request from the Rabbit, say:


then processes the lookupserialnumber request by issuing a pre-defined SQL query with the given serial number of 124382. You could make it very generic by accepting the table as a parameter, and the actual SQL query string as a parameter (with white space converted to URL compatible codes, of course). The server would be programed to convert the URL compatible codes back to white space before processing the query. Hope this helps.

I�m using rabbit and SQL Server with de TDS protocol.