Range problems with Digi XBEE SX XB9X in USA

We are a very happy user of Digi SX 868 series (XB8X). We are now running tests with SX (XB9X) and running tests in USA, but the range is extremely disappointing. We use Digi evaluation kits.

  • In Europe with SX868 and a good installation we are able to reach 2km in urban area and 10km in rural area. A range test at 10 meters distance leads to the maximum -40dBm value.
  • In USA with SX (XB9X) we can achieve a poor 100-200 meters in urban environment and 400-500 meters in rural environment. A range test at 10 meters distance leads is already at a poor -70dBm. With spectrum analyzer things also look good with noise levels around -105dBm.

Both radios have the same range in their datasheet:

  1. What else can we try to find the root cause?
  2. Do you have range tests together with its setup?


This is something that you really should email Digi support over at tech.support@digi.com

Digi Support