RCM4300 : firmware upgrade with Ethernet


I’m using RCM4300 since 3 years and it’s working well.

Actually, I download my software with dynamic C or with DC_RFU.

It would be excellent for our customer if I could upgrade my software using ethernet connexion (with a computer directly connected to the RCM4300 by ethernet)

How is it possible to do that?

Thanks for your help,


Take a look at the “RemoteProgramUpdate” samples and library. There are multiple options for installing updates. My favorite is the Rabbit running an HTTP client to download updates from a webpage.

Thanks Tom,

I’ve find the document and I will try this.

Hello Tom,
I had a look on the “RemoteProgramUpdate” as you advice and the Rabbit running an HTTP client to download updates from a webpage was also my choice and working well.
It was complicated to integrate it into my software, but it’s working very well.
Thanks a lot
Best regards,

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