Can any kind soul out the post a working example of how to connect a RCM4400W to an access point, either with or without WEP.
The examples provided with the Dev Kit are next to useless. Scanning through tcp_config.lib I see #defines for WIFI_INIT but none of the examples use this. In fact no source file provided with Dynamic C 10 uses this macro. How do the examples initialise WIFI ?
I installed the DC 10.11 and WPA BETA lib and was up and running in no time. All I did was to include the following lines at the top an existing TCP/IP samples and hey presto, it worked.
It is necessary to define these to include WPA support.
*/ #define WIFI_USE_WPA
// Bring in WPA support #define _WIFI_WEP_FLAG WIFICONF_WEP_TKIP // Define cypher suite #define RAND_USE_MD5
// This is highly recommended
ASCII passphrase generation requires not only the passphrase itself,
but also the correct SSID with which it will be used. Thus, it is
particularly important to give the correct access point SSID here. /
//****** identify ID of Wifi network - mine was wetley1 ********* #define _WIFI_SSID “wetley1”
Define an ASCII passphrase here, from 1 to 63 characters inclusive.
This is only used if you did NOT specify a hexadecimal key (see below,
for the _WIFI_PSK_HEX macro).
*/ #define _WIFI_PSK_PASSPHRASE “put pass phase here”
If you specify a hex key here, it is used instead of the passphrase
above. Hex keys should be exactly 64 hex digits long (i.e. 32 bytes).
// Following is valid for “now is the time” used with SSID=“parvati” #define _WIFI_PSK_HEX
// Here is a simple key for testing
//#define _WIFI_PSK_HEX
// “1010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010”
// Of course, you do not have to hard-code keys as a string. You can
// also refer to a program variable as in the following…
//char my_psk[65];
//#define _WIFI_PSK_HEX my_psk
Define this to print helpful messages when using WPA keys
/** Remote interface to send PING to (passed to resolve()): */
/ Undefine to retrieve default gateway and ping that. */ #define PING_WHO “”
/** How often to send PING’s (in milliseconds): **/ #define PING_DELAY 500
What you need to do, is to change the IP address in the samples to the IP address of YOUR local network. You need patience.
[QUOTE=dg040568;743]Can any kind soul out the post a working example of how to connect a RCM4400W to an access point, either with or without WEP.
The examples provided with the Dev Kit are next to useless. Scanning through tcp_config.lib I see #defines for WIFI_INIT but none of the examples use this. In fact no source file provided with Dynamic C 10 uses this macro. How do the examples initialise WIFI ?