The Rabbit 6000 User’s Manual says that Library of this family by deafult comes to program flash sizes of 256KB, in RCM6650W: What do I need to fix in libraries to get a 512KB or more flash memory program?
I have a larger program code to download it on the RCM6650!
You will need to set the XMEMCODE_SIZE macro in your options\project options\defines tab if you want to change the default memory layout.
Have a look in memory_layout.lib and boardtypes.lib for details.
How large is your program, and what error message are you seeing when you try to compile? The RCM6650W should be able to compile a program up to almost a megabyte in size. What compiler options have you enabled? In particular, you probably want to “enable separate instruction and data space”.
Thanks for answering… then If I Only define this macro with the size of the memory I will get the right size? is there something else to fix?