Realport Digi Drivers Update Kills XWindows

I am running:
Red Hat Linux 6.5 Kernel 2.6.32-754.3.5.el6.x86_64
Using: ConnectPort LTS 16

I download the new digi realport drivers src.rpm 40002086_Z.src.rpm.

I place these on a development platform we have and perform the rebuild for the kernel I am on with the following commands:

/bin/rpm -i /scratch/40002086_X.src.rpm

I then change directories to the rpmbuild directory and perform the build with the command:
/usr/bin/rpmbuild -ba SPECS/dgrp-1.9.spec

I then navigate to the folder with the new .rpm: cd ~/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64/

I then stop the old driver daemon with the command: /etc/rc.d/init.d/dgrp_daemon stop

Then I uninstall it by issuing the rpm -evv

Then I install the new one with rpm -ivh

Once finished I reboot.

Once rebooted I get a black screen with the cursor as a circular spinner and it seems to try to start xwindows but then it goes black again and then I get the cursor and it tries again and then goes black. This continues in an infinite loop. However, I am able to ssh to the box and perform all other commands in a CLI but x will not start.