Recover from firmware upgrade?!

I just upgraded from the original firmware on a CM 32 to the latest firmware ( or something like that).

The upgrade was reported as “successful” and I was notified that the CM 32 would reboot.

It never came back from the reboot.

Of course, we have this in an off site hosting facility, so my hands are no where near this. I am going to have someone power off the machine and power it back on to see if that will kick it in to action.

But, is there any other way to get on to this unit to see what might be going wrong? Can I have them connect via console to the CM32 and see what it is outputting?

Yes, there is an emergency recovery procedure in the CM manual. Here’s a link to it:

Look in chapter 15 under “Accessing the Boot Loader Program”.

That worked. It seems that the upgrade reset everything back to factory defaults.

I just had to get a console to my console server (almost makes your head spin thinking about that. :), and re-configure EVERYTHING. :frowning: