No web access after firmware upgrade - Digi CM 32

We just upgraded to firmware to 80007050_H. After the upgrade, i no longer have web access to the device. It doesn’t look like it has lost it’s config, I can ping and telnet to it on port 7000 (and all my ports are still configured and accessible from here). I consoled in and checked the config, http and https are still enabled, but i get nothing when trying to access it via either. Any one come across this? Any ideas?

Jumping up a few revs can cause this. To resolve:
–Export your config via configmenu.
–Factory default all except IP.
–When done (it reboots), import your config.

Rev H is still pretty old. This week we released 1.7.0 (Rev M). I would suggest you upgrade to our latest since you’re upgrading anyways. The 32CM firmware is located here: