Hello guys, I having a problem regarding the coding for 5400W. With the sample given BROWSELED.C I am able to compile and control the 2 LEDs using web browser.However, my project is to use the S2 and S3 to control the light and to display in the web browser. But seem that if I change the coding of BROWSELED.C it onli keep on causing a loop at costate function.
So hope someone could give me so advise or suggestion thx…
Hi friend,
I have a RCM5400W wifi module which i bought recently. Just i need to toggle my onboard LEDs using browseled.c program. For that do i need Wifi receiver on my PC to which i want to communicate with? then is there any name fixed name or no for it? pls reply.
If i do this succesfully then there is a mile to go on this. I will be posting on my next visit.
I would like to know that, I’ve “RCM5600W” module. I want to set IP address in one LAN, that network has a WAP key. The problem is that, I don’t know how to set IP for that network. Without WAP key is ok (Static, DHCP). FTP also ok. Only thing is how to resolve WAP key.
Hi dhanraj_kmr,
U need a wifi pc or a laptop to recieve the connection for 5400w. By default the name is already given which is rabbittest. U can press ctrl+H to see the guide for Tconfig. It will help u when u go along.
Hi friend,
Really thanks for your reply. I dont have much knowledge abt wifi. but I had to realised that. so i bought a wireless-G USB 2.0 Adapter from NETGEAR 2.4Ghz, 802.11g(WG111).
So i ran the software which came along with it. Then i found a window NETGEAR WG111V3 smartwizard. then i added SSID as ‘rabbitwifi’, and network type as computer to computer(AdHoc) then thats it. Then i had to run a sample pro Wifiscan.c. As a result i was geeting like this
"Starting scan…
WiFi Scan Results: 1 entries
Channel Signal MAC Access Point SSID
6 32 02:e0:60:52:28:84 [rabbitwifi]
Scan done, exiting… ".
Here i have some doubts 1st on my USB MAC address is :001E2AAf609C
But here on my result its printing something else. And whats that term singal 32?
When i run the same pro next time i was getting like this
"Starting scan…
WiFi Scan Results: 3 entries
Channel Signal MAC Access Point SSID
6 38 02:e0:6d:71:2c:e1 [rabbitwifi]
6 14 00:1b:11:a2:2d:06 [Indus1]
6 14 00:13:46:70:4d:46 [Indus2]
Scan done, exiting… "
what are those Indus1 and Indus2. Now see my signal is 38???
And even my USB and rabbit wifi getting some heat morethan what i expected while its communicating eachother. I’ve connected my rabbit USB program cable and USB adapter’s cable on my PC’s near by slot. Can i do like this? or should i connect my USB adapter on another system? even i haven’t changed my PC’s IP add. here’s the code which i am using…
#define TCPCONFIG 5
#define MY_GATEWAY “”
#define MY_NAMESERVER “”
#define IFC_WIFI_SSID “rabbitTest”
#use “dcrtcp.lib”
#memmap xmem
Routine to print out mac_addr types.
void print_macaddress(far unsigned char *addr)
printf(“%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x:%02x”, addr[0], addr[1], addr[2],
addr[3], addr[4], addr[5]);
qsort comparison, based on rx signal strength.
a, b – far pointers to _wifi_wln_scan_bss, a struct populated by
the WIFI SCAN, including rx_signal (relative receive signal
Return value: > 0 if a > b
< 0 if a < b
0 if a == b
int rxsignal_cmp(far _wifi_wln_scan_bss *a, far _wifi_wln_scan_bss *b) {
return b->rx_signal - a->rx_signal;
Prints out the sorted results of a BSS scan.
Called when WIFI SCAN is complete.
The argument is a pointer to the wifi_scan_data structure generated by
the scan.
We use _f_qsort to sort the data since the data is `far.’ _f_qsort
requires a comparison function, and we use the rxsignal_cmp() function
data – far pointer to wifi_scan_data structure, which contains a
count of the number of responses, and an array of
_wifi_wln_scan_bss structures, with the first `count’
containing valid data for the responses.
char scandone;
root void scan_callback(far wifi_scan_data data)
uint8 i, j;
far _wifi_wln_scan_bss *bss;
char ssid_str[33];
bss = data->bss;
// Sort results by signal strength. Need to use _f_qsort, since bss is
// far data.
_f_qsort(bss, data->count, sizeof(bss[0]), rxsignal_cmp);
// Print out results
printf("WiFi Scan Results: %d entries
", data->count);
printf("Channel Signal MAC Access Point SSID
for (i = 0; i < data->count; i++) {
printf(” %2d %2d “,
bss[i].channel, bss[i].rx_signal);
wifi_ssid_to_str (ssid_str, bss[i].ssid, bss[i].ssid_len);
printf(” [%s]
", ssid_str);
scandone = 1;
Scan for BSS's. Must call tcp_tick(NULL) to drive scanning process.
void main(void)
int val0, val1, i, level;
unsigned long int end;
scandone = 0;
// Enable Roaming
// Set roam event to loss of 20 beacons
// Bring the interface down before starting a scan
while (ifpending(IF_WIFI0) != IF_DOWN)
// Set the callback before requesting scan
printf("Starting scan…
ifconfig(IF_WIFI0, IFS_WIFI_SCAN, scan_callback, IFS_END);
while ( ! scandone) {
Scan done, exiting…");
Am i doing correctly?
pls correct me if i am wrong…
Hi fren,
Sorry to tell u that I not a pro for this kit yet. But regarding Wifiscan.c. I did try this sample in school before. If I not wrong it is scanning the surrounding for the available wifi Mac Access point. But for the digit change from 32 to 38 I do not know wat does it stands. Maybe need to look up old book -.-. For the heat problem, I also do encounter it after I compiled my code to run wifi. It will heat up after so time. Dun worri will not have any problem. I on it more than 9hrs or so. hmm… if ur coding is gotten from the sample.c think it will be much a problem…
Anyway frnd thans for the reply. I didnt learn much networking concepts in college days. Thats the problem. K leave that code its exactly a sample code only;). but we should use the IP confic for both trsnsmitting as well as receiving on ethernet communication right ? But in wifi where we do this at wifi pc side. and in system tray it says “wireless connection is not connected”. is it affecting my infrastructure mode?
Now i stepped up the BROWSELED.c pro. While i compilin he i am getting
1 error and 4 warrnings. they are
line 142 : ERROR WIFI_MAC_MGMT.LIB : ) is missing/expected.
line 142 : WARNING WIFI_MAC_MGMT.LIB : Conversion to incompatible pointer type
line 142 : WARNING WIFI_MAC_MGMT.LIB : Conversion to incompatible pointer type
line 142 : WARNING WIFI_MAC_MGMT.LIB : Conversion to incompatible pointer type
line 154 : WARNING WIFI_MAC_MGMT.LIB : Conversion to incompatible pointer type
if i clik on them they just go to WIFI_MAC_MGMT.LIB. but there is nothing.
whats goin on? can you fix it even if u r not a pro…