save array info a file and read latter

Hello: Im ussing RCM3700, DC9.21, RabbitWeb.
I have a structure array as this

typedef struct {
char wnomserv[20];
char wdirip[16];
int wport;
char wservicio[10];
int walertado;
int wllamador;
char westado[3];
char wtest[3];
} testcpu;
testcpu nodo[61];

I Store data into this array from a shtml page with RabbitWeb, and this works very good.
But this data is very large to retype if RCM3700 reset.
Then I need a cgi routine to create a txt file with all data of the array and store this to a ftp server. I thing separate each field with a “;”.

If the RCM3700 is reseted or if I need change it because is wrong, I need download the txt file and store the data in the array again. This routine should be called form a cgi.

I apreciate any help for this.

Sorry for my poor english !

Omar P