I tried to get communication with a GE VersaMax on serial port using ethernet encapsulator (RealPort) with a Digi WR44 modem.
The modem setup works well with other plc types(AllenBradley, Omron, Mitsubishi.), but I can’t get it to function with the GE VersaMax?
I have tried a standard setup (19200, 8bit Odd ) and then different others ( 9600, 8 & 7bits…)
With port 1 on DB9 with strait cable pinout ( also try null-modem):
Digi Modem/ VersaMax
Pin 2-RX 2-TX
Pin 3-TX 3-RX
Pin 5-Gnd 5-Gnd
Pin 7-RTS 7-CTS
Pin 8-CTS 8-RTS
I use Proficy Machine Edition to do the test.
When I go online, I see that the port1 led turns on for about a second then turns off.
Then a Connect Error Message is displayed: Requested comm port could not be opened .
I am not familiar with the SNP protocol for GE. Is it possible that is a compatibility issue?
Does anybody have done this with GE product?