Set programmable Version as a coordinator


I basicly want to have my two programmable XBees to communicate without the XStick. So I changed one XBee via XCTU to a Coordinator (set Coordinator Enable 1 and Destination Address Low FFFF) and flashed the “Transmit basic frames Example” into the other(everything worked fine here with the XStick). So my question is, can i configurate my programmable Xbee so that it behaves like the XStick?
Should i change something with the PAN-Adress or something?


What is the full part number of the XBee modules you are working with? What firmware versions are installed?

The Product number should be XB24CZ7PISB003

therefore its the programmable SMT-version.

afterall my XBe is broken(i think) and i need to recover. in i found "If you have a programmable XBee, contact Digi Support for troubleshooting. "

in new XCTU-version i started recovery and the messages:

- Looking for active bootloader... [ERROR]
        There is not an active bootloader in the module.
- Resetting and entering bootloader... [ERROR]
        There is not an active bootloader in the module.

So i tried to reflash bootloader project with the freescale-project but nothing changed. Hot can i flash a working bootloader?
I tried to get into terminal.
getting this as it should be! so there should be a working bootloader.

.F-Update App
.V-BL Ver.
.A-App Ver.

can i update the firmware with this?