I am trying to setup an OpenVPN client on a Digi TransPort WR11. I am following the instructions at [1].
Page 15 lists three files to be transferred to the router. How do I transfer the files to the router?
Page 15 says that a ca.crt should be transferred to the router. But it does not show how to “load” that file. How to I “load” ca.crt after transferring it to the router?
Page 25 says to log into the CLI and type ‘sslcli 0 certfile “client1.crt”’. How do I know that this command succeeds? The command reports “OK” even if I type complete nonsense e.g.
ss420502>sslcli 0 certfile “asdf.crt” verify asdfa asdfaslkdfas;ldkf as;dlkfj
- How does the OpenVPN client on the Digi TransPort know to which key and cert to use?
Thank you,
[1] http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/AN_47_Digi_TransPort_OpenVPN_client.pdf