WR31 openvpn


I am trying to setup a OpenVPN client on my WR31.
I installed the keys/certificate as documented here:

But I get the error:

23:51:14, 01 Jan 2000,Certificate Code Error
Lib: SSL routines
Func: SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file
Reason: BUF lib

The x509 certificate if shown as: Subject: ChangeMe / Issuer : ChangeMe
The pair of crt/key in the SSL tab seems to be ok.

I am not sure what I did wrong.
Can anyone give me any hint on how to fix that?



Did you follow the instructions because if the x509 is saying changeme you never setup actual certs for a named client

also when you copied the certs to the router did you copy the 3 files over and issue the commands

sslcli 0 certfile “client1.crt”
sslcli 0 keyfile “client1.key”

if the files were called client1

is the wr going to be server or client ?
