First off I’m new to ZigBee mesh networks and Digi products so I may be making some fundamental mistakes!
My problem is that I’m trying to communicate with my ConnectPort X2 using TCP socket connections. I can successfully ping the ConnectPort using TCP echo on port 7, getting a response that matches the packet I sent, but when I issue the same command on the TCP server / port 2101 I get nothing returned. I don’t get any transmission errors form my VB.NET application, and it uses the exact same routine as when it performs a ping to port 7.
Here’s my set up:
ConectPort X2 Ethernet running firmware (Version 82001631_J1 10/04/2011) (non-python)
Which from the release notes states: This firmware is targeted for applications that require communicating directly with the wireless PAN module in the ConnectPort X2 gateway via RealPort, Modbus, or UDP/TCP sockets.
Using telnet I’ve configured the TCP Server service to be on, listening on the default port of 2101, and connected to Port 1.
I’m sending a NI command to simply query the ConnectPort. If I send it with a parameter value it doesn’t reconfigure the ConnectPort with a new node identifier. This suggests to me that it’s not just that I’m not getting a response, but the command isn’t getting to the XBee radio. A ping gets as far as the ethernet connection and gets returned, but an actual command doesn’t make it to the UART.
My command is as follows: 0x7E, 0x00, 0x04, 0x08, 0x01, 0x4E, 0x49, 0x5F
Nothing I’ve seen so far suggests any kind of terminator after the checksum. I’m assuming it uses the frame length to determine when it’s received a complete packet. Is this correct?
I’m hoping that it’s just a configuration problem that I’ve missed along the way. Any help will be greatly appreciated!