testing Xbee modules


I am testing two zigbee modules to learn how work zigbee protocol.

I’ve started with a simple example. I’ve got connected a coordinator and a router in AT mode and works fine. I can send text from one another…

I’ve got both modules in the same room but when I’ve got one module and leave the room the connection is lost.

I had read in document: http://ftp1.digi.com/support/documentation/90000976_G.pdf

Indoor/Urban Range up to 133 ft. (40 m)

The code of my xbee modules is: XB24-Z7PIT-004 revC

Thank you so much, best regards.

The problem is solved. I think the problem could be I bad configuration.

I upload the firmware again, without force the module to maintain its current configuration and configuration the parameters “ID”: PAN ID, “DH”: Destination Address High and “DL”: Destination Address Low again…

Now works fine.