Total Mis-understanding

I bought USBanywhere on the basis that i could shared USB dongle keys to networked machines.
For example: Machine 1 uses USB Dongle 1 plugged into the concentrator, Machine B uses USB Dongle 2.

Unless I am doing something totally wrong, this is not how it works. Machine 1 gets all the connected USB dongles and no other machine can connect to the concentrator. Is this correct?
It’s not exactly what I had in mind then.
IS there another way of doing what I want with Digi products or is it a question of 'back to the drawing board"


No, you’re not missing anything at all, that’s how it all works. It’s a common question that we get (about sharing individual USB ports among different computers.

Basically our AnywhereUSB is a 5 port USB hub which attaches via the network instead of the USB port. As far as sharing/functionality goes it’s the same as a standard USB hub.

We are coming out with a USB 2.0 model at the beginning of next year that will have this functionality (what you’re looking for). Of course that doesn’t help you right now.

We have 100’s (possibly 1000’s) of customers using our AnywhereUSB’s in Virtual Machine environments and they are just using one AnywhereUSB per virtual machine.

If you have further questions, feel free to contact me.

Best regards,
Mike Swift