Transmit CANOpen data between two programable xbee s2c


I would like to do a project, where one xbee sends car steering wheel sensor data to another xbee. Its CANOpen data, therefore I bought programable xbees (XB24CZ7UITB003) and MCP2515 CAN Bus TJA1050 Receiver SPI Modules ( .
So my plan is, one xbee read the CANbus data via SPI module and transmit to another xbee, which communicate to a VFD via CANBus SPI module.
I found some libraries for Arduino to read CAN data, after porting them they will work with xbee?

The question is, it is possible to send CAN data continously (i mean xbee doesnt go to sleep) .
If not, whats my possibilites? Use non programable xbee with external microcontroller and send data via API frames?
Sorry for my bad english!

Thank you!