what bother me is that I should only read: #X’VOH07300017’;7643;542;A;B;C;D\r
since this is what I send from my distant node
Is there something to do with encoding/decoding? (I am using QtQuick so I can use std::string as well as QString or QByteArray) So how could I read my datas so I have only what I want?
I don’t think it is a baud rate miss match since I can make it work with a python app on ubuntu.
I think that the hex byte I have are just the byte from the frame format (start frame, frame length, frame type) problem is that it does not correspond with the bytes I can read with XCTU (FYI the distant node is in python mode and transmit a frame every 500ms and my “master” node is in API mode)
Here is again a complete frame as I read it. as you can see, it starts with ‘~’ wich is equal to \x7E for the start byte. But next I can’t recognize any byte like the adresse or the frame type byte
In XCTU, the frame start with \x7E but for instance, the fourth byte (which represent the frame type) is equal to \x90 which as you can see does not correspont to the byte I am reading with my app
Here is the frame as I read it in XCTU:
7E 00 2C 90 00 13 A2 00 41 98 18 F8 FF FE C1 #X’VOH07300012’;762;557;A;B;C;D\r 17
Thank you all for your replies. I managed to make it work by reading my serial port as a Byte array and note as a string. I can now write my library to deserialize xbee frames