undefined reference to `NAGetAppIpv6Gateway' compiling error.

I am getting the following error when compiling my application:

-lstdc++ -Wl,–end-group -Wl,-Map,image.map -Wl,–wrap=tfGetAddrInfo
bsp/7_5/connectcore9p9215_a/lib/libbsp.a(customizeParams.o): In function customizeIamGetDefaultIpv6GatewayConfig': ./customize/customizeParams.c:284: undefined reference to NAGetAppIpv6Gateway’
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [image.elf] Error 1
make: Target `all’ not remade because of errors.

Any idea on how to solve this?

Did you install all the available patches/updates via Package Manager?
After installing create a new sample project and check whether you can build.

If you can then create a new project with all required fucntions and then copy/paste your source code into it.

Build and check.

If it fails make sure that you have
#include “appconf_api.h”
in your main.c

If yes then in project properties go to libraries selection and check whether you have libbsp(dbg).a added as a library, if not please include.

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appconf.h and appconf_api.c were updated to include that reference a few months ago.
Update these files from a new project (merge changes if you’ve edited the Digi originals)

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Thanks for the fast answers.

I updated my software with package manager and created a new project. I moved my source files to it.

Right now I am getting the following errors:

-lstdc++ -Wl,–end-group -Wl,-Map,image.map -Wl,–wrap=tfGetAddrInfo
./appconf_api.o: In function NAGetAppiDigiInit': /cygdrive/c/Users/DanielSantana/My Documents/Digi_ESP/workspace_75/DigiMaster/Debug/../appconf_api.c:230: undefined reference to app_idigi_init’
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
make: *** [image.elf] Error 1
make: Target `all’ not remade because of errors.

Any ideas?

Check the following:
appconf_api.c should have the following:

return NULL;

In appconf.h there might be a
#define APP_IDIGI_INIT to something

Additionally if you are including cloud access in your application, there should be a definition of whatever APP_IDIGI_INIT is defined to in root.c