USB EdgePort/8 Drivers for Windows XP64?

Where can I get XP 64 Drivers for the Edgeport?



Unfortunately we do not currently have 64bit Drivers for our Edgeport line of products.

I am trying to get some updates on when they might be available.

Please contact me at and I will let you know what I found out.

Thanks a lot.

Mike Swift
Digi Tech Support

no, seriously, when are you going to support 64 bit op sys – xp 64 or vista?

this is 2006…

I bought 12 of these things and I use them… I upgraded my computer to dual core 2 with xp 64 – everything if fine except edgeport

Message was edited by: nucloid


I agree with you that we should be more diligent in getting support for 64 bit operating systems but unfortunately we have had to put our resources into other endeavors.

Let me ask my product manager today to see what the road map looks like. Please e-mail me directly at and I will give you an update (and come back and post in here)