We are using the XBP9B with the DP firmware running in API mode to try to provide communications between a small number of XBee-equipped computers located along a stretch of highway. We would like to use one or more repeaters to provide communication between the nodes when the work zone get too long, say 1 mile.
Basic master/slave command and ack communications between the nodes works. When they are in the immediate vicinity of one another, a high percentage of command-and-ack sequences complete successfully.
Once we add an off-the-shelf repeater to the mix, throughput drops dramatically, and only a small fraction of the commands complete successfully.
There are lockouts to insure only one command is active at a time, and the master waits for the slave to send its ack before moving on. This in hopes of avoiding packet collisions.
We are using the following parameters:
On the end points:
HP: 0
MT: 3
PL: 4
RR: 4
CE: 2
BH: 0
NH: 7
NN: 3
TO: 80
AP: 1
On the repeater, the parameters are the same, except for
CE: 0
All messages have TO=80
My question is: are these reasonable parameters for this configuration?
Any suggestions for diagnostics? E.g. can XCTU be used to listen in to API-mode non-broadcast packets?