Hello guys , I have tried setting up my xbee to allow both of them to talk to each other . However when I use my laptop it can’t communicate with each other but when I use my school desktop it can communicate with each other . Is there anything I must take note of? The same pan id was used. My laptop can’t seems to track both xbee . Any answer would be appreciated.
May I suggest restoring them to default configurations. In the default state, any XBee 802.15.4 module can communicate with any other in its default state in a Peer to peer configuration. That means that they simply need to be in range for them to communicate.
hi mvut,
I tried using the default setting, it still can’t communicate with each other. From what i know from my friend who tried using xbee and have successfully manage to let 2 xbee talk. We only need to change the ID, DH, DL, MY right?do correct me if i am wrong. As i am new to xbee.
my first xbee i set it to ID:1704, DH:0, DL:1, MY: 0
2nd xbee, ID:1704, DH:0. DL:0. MY:1
For this setting i am able to see the communicating on a school desktop and not able to see the communication using my own laptop. I have tried my friend laptop and it still can’t communicate.
So if you could help us, it would be a great help to me.
hi mvut,
I tried using the default setting, it still can’t communicate with each other. From what i know from my friend who tried using xbee and have successfully manage to let 2 xbee talk. We only need to change the ID, DH, DL, MY right?do correct me if i am wrong. As i am new to xbee.
my first xbee i set it to ID:1704, DH:0, DL:1, MY: 0
2nd xbee, ID:1704, DH:0. DL:0. MY:1
For this setting i am able to see the communicating on a school desktop and not able to see the communication using my own laptop. I have tried my friend laptop and it still can’t communicate.
So if you could help us, it would be a great help to me.
No, you don’t even need to go that far. You can leave them at their defualt configuraiton and they will talk. Or if you want, you can set the ID and or the ID on both to match and they will talk. For this configuration, MY should be 0 and DL FFFF with DH at 0.
Sounds more like you have a driver issue with your board and the PC. Try reloading your interfaced boards driver using the driver from the actual manufacure of the board.
So for both my xbee the MY,DL,DH would be the same?
And could you kindly explain what do you meant by " Try reloading your interfaced boards driver using the driver from the actual manufacure of the board."
I tried playing around with the driver. As this error came out, what do they meant by USB serial converter is an older USB device and might not work with USB 3.0 , plug the device into an available USB 2.0 port? Does this mean that my Xbee dongle it not able to be used with my USB port?
Yes they can as setting the MY to 0 caues the radio to use the 64 bit addressing function instead of the 16 bit addressing function. The DL of FFFF and DH of 0 also caues the radio to send a broadcast packet to all nodes within range that are on the same PAN ID and channel.
What I am referring to is that if the module work at your school with the settings written to memory, then it is not a setting issue but more likely a driver issue or how you are connecting the radios to the PC. That is since you can communciate at school but you can’t even talk to the radios at home, it is more likley going to be a hardware/driver issue with the PC and how you are connecting the radio to the PC.
No, what is the name of the board you are using to connect the XBee to the PC with?
Xbee dongle from sparkfun, where the xbee just sits in the dongle
Than the driver you should be loading for this 3rd party board is from Spark Fun Electronics. I would suggest starting there.
Sorry what do you mean by the driver and what sort of driver am i looking for?
Correct me if I am wrong but doesn’t the Spark Fun Dongle have a USB port on it or connect to the computers USB port?
Hi mvut,
Sorry for the late reply , the dongle straight connect to the laptop through it usb, it kind of hard for me to explain, you csn Google xbee dongle and you will understand what I meant
Thanks !
i think the dongle have a USB port which will be straight plugged into the laptop
You need to install the USB drviers from that vendor before you can query the XBee modules or expect them to communicate.