Using the evaluation board XBIB-R-DEV board I tried to update the FW of a XBEE 24-ACI-001 modem with teh X-CTU software.
the procedure start well, but at the end the communication stop and the module continue to reset (the RESET pin continue to go down)
someone has an idea why?
and to recover the modem?
Same happening here but just with 3 recently acquired modules. Other modules bought 1 year ago don’t suffer that issue.
I already downloaded X-CTU but there seems to be no way of bringing back the ‘fried’ modules.
Anyone has any idea on recovering/debricking this units?
This would be a good issue to contact Technical Support about, in particular regarding the three radios exhibiting this problem. We can than investigate the issue more thoroughly and determine the cause.
This problem is the same I’ve having right now, I had done firware update in eight modules a year ago, but now during an updating it stops for something and now the module is useless.
I’m really worried, because I don’t want to buy a new Xbee cause I’m afraid to have the same problem.
DFB: I finally solved the problem on most units. After opening a support case, some indications from the support team that don’t appear to be clear enough in the documentation, helped me solve the problem.
there are a lot of versions that don’t work properly with that revision of modules. Silly me, I didn’t check that and upgraded the modules with the same firmware I did my previous ones.
Please try this:
-Download and install latest X-CTU from the downloads section.
-Power off your module.
-Put reset to ground, or activate reset switch in your test board.
-While powered off (yes!) start the update on the x-ctu and wait until it complains that a reset is needed.
-Power on your board, and after a few seconds, release reset.
-Update should start ‘normally’.
Hope this helps you.
In case don’t, contact technical support, they quite solved the problem for me.
Because I always have had modules RevA I didn`t notice that: “Firmware versions 10A0 through 10A4 cannot run on Rev-B modules”, so I made the mistake of trying to update the 10A4 version, so the Xbee turn useless.
I recover it just doing the steps suggest by Kaneda (thanks a lot!!!) and writting on the module compatible versions like 1084 and 10A5.
The bulk of the modules manufactured after 12/07 and all modules manufactured after Jun of 08 are rev B or above. These modules support firmware versions 1084, 10A5 and above.
Firmware version 10A0 was a beta version that is no longer available or supported and will not install on your new modules.
All older module will support all firmware versions.