Xbee 3 802.15.4 slow send rate using given Waspmote library

Hello, I am currently testing something using a Libelium Waspmote and an Xbee 3 802.15.4 module to send the data to the gateway. My research project requires me to be able to monitor the data wirelessly from the waspmote at nearly the same rate as a wired USB connection could.

I had no issue with the data rate when wired, but I’ve noticed when I want to send it with the Xbee library (xbee802.send()), it significantly slows the sensor data rate to the point where it’s not nearly as fast enough to satisfy my requirements (the current rate is 300ms per data packet sent, or 3Hz, REALLY slow). I tried everything in the XCTU settings and nothing seems to increase the data rate.

My team has pointed the problem squarely at the xbee802.send() function from the library because when we remove the function, the waspmote came back to its normal super fast sensor data rate. Please help.

ZKSeno, I think you are posting this issue on the wrong forum. In this case, the issue you are having is not with the Digi XBee module but with the 3rd party library from Libelium. In this case, you need to check with Libelium on how to resolve the issue. Especially since you do not have the issue when you take the library out of the picture.