I’m very new to XBee and I’m trying on a project.
What I have : I have an xbee connected to an arduino (which I plan to use as the coordinator) and a heiman smart plug with Zha1.2 . The manufacturers say that smartplug sends the power consumption of the device connected to the smartplug.
The Objective : I need to see the data sent by the smartplug in the serial monitor of the arduino connect to the coordinator xbee.
I have setup the coordinator Xbee with
ZS 2
AP 2
AO 3
EE 1
EO 2
KY 0x5A6967426565416C6C69616E63653039
CI 12
all other parameters are default values from XCTU.
I can also see the smart plug connected to the xbee in when I scan in XCTU in network wworking mode.
My question :1. is there some other parameters that I need to change from their default value for Xbee for this purpose?
2. how do I get the values from the smart plug? I read and asked around and was informed that I should use ZDO commands. I have no idea how to use it. Could someone tell me how to use it for my problem either examples or where I can read? Hope to hear something soon. Thank you