xbee end device cannot join

Hi All,

I have two XB24-Z7 (Xbee S2) devices and I am not able to get End device to join coordinator’s created PAN.

Following are critical settings:

  1. DL and DH set in both coordinator and end node to look for other’s MAC address.
  2. PAN ID set to same on both.
  3. configured as Zigbee Coordinator AT and Zigbee End Device AT
  4. SC = 0xFFFF on both (tried setting to 1 to reduce channels did not work)
  5. security is disabled.

So far i am not able to get MY 16-bit network address on end device. Please help.


What does the AI command report on the End Device? How about the OP, OI and CH values? Do they match the Coordinator?

Digi Support

Probably sleep state on End Devices is resulting in prolonged period of joining. Try changing firmware on End Device to Router instead and see if it gets connected within seconds.

Digi Technical Support

Most likely rest state on End Devices is bringing about delayed time of joining. Give changing firmware a shot End Device to Router rather and check whether it gets associated in practically no time.