Hi guys,
I’m reading RSSI value of xbee ( naturally there is another xbee emitter also) with followed code part(in AT mode).But in my project i should take 3 RSSI values from 3 xbee (emitter) and these values should be received by one xbee and arduino.Namely,How can i see SEPERATELY those 3 values in one xbee and connected arduino?I need an urgent help,if you could help i’d be so happy.
int digitalPin = 10; // the RSSI pin 6 of Xbee is connected to this PWM Pin. (Digital Pin 10)
int rssiDur; // Variable for RSSI
void setup()
void loop()
rssiDur = pulseIn(digitalPin, LOW, 200); // get's the RSSI Value
Serial.println(rssiDur); //for debbuging and first setup.