Hello, It’s my first time using Xbee modules.
I bought digi XK-Z11-M development kit. So, I have 2 Xbee PRO S2B. One of them have a Wi-Fi RPSMA RF Connector and the other one has a embedded antenna.
I am trying to set up the following configuration:
Node1: xbee coordinator at. with DH and DL of node 2
Node2: xbee router At with DH and DL of node 1.
I followed all the steps indicated at “Getting Started with Xbee RF modules - PARALLAX”, and everything went fine except by the terminal part.
Basically, when I type something in the coordinator terminal, the same thing should appear at the router terminal.
Maybe I am having some problems with the antenna. I am not sure if I connected the external one in the right way.
My guess is that both devices are correctly sending information (both leds blink when I type something in their terminal), but the ROUTER is not receiving it…
If somebody could help me with this I would be glad.
Thank you very much,
You need to make sure that both of the radios are on the same PAN ID. Make sure that the OP - Operating PAN ID of the coordinator matches the PAN ID that you set. The radio will also assign a CH - Operating Channel.
Next, make sure that the router has joined the coordinator. The OP - Operating PAN ID should match the OP of the coordinator - the CH - Operating Channel should also match. If the OP of the router doesn’t match the OP of the coordinator then you know that the router hasn’t joined the coordinator.
If this is happening, go to the terminal tab of the router and type “+++” to enter command mode. Issue an “ATNR0” command to execute a local reset of the module. Now wait a moment then read the router to see if it has joined the coordinator.
Hi! Thank you very much for the help, but all the configuration was right except by the fact that the version of both devices didn’t match.
After I put the same value of the version in both everything worked perfectly.
Thank you very much!