XBee S2 error device when try to update the radio firmware with XCTU

I use an Xbee S2, with a Xbee Shield V1.1 on an arduino uno.

I have 3 XBee S2 in Router AT and I need one in coordinator AT, I can get and set the firmware settings without problem.

But When I try to update the radio firmware, I have an error.
XCTU “could not get the device information”.
reset the radio module change nothing.
So I try with my 3 Xbee, and it’s the same error.

Then I try “Xbee recovery”, it says action required but reset change nothing.
And an other error says that “There is not an active bootloader in the module.”

I looking for solutions in internet but I didn’t find anything that could help me.

Could you help me?


Looks like you are running into the same issue a lot of folks have with using 3rd party board.

Per page 20 of the manual, “The only required pin connections are VCC, GND, DO
UT and DIN. support serial firmware updates,
VCC, GND, DOUT, DIN, RTS, and DTR should be connected.”

The vast majority of the 3rd party board such as the one you are using is they are designed for two way communications. They are not designed for updating the radios firmware. That is to say, they do not add the additional lines that are required to upload firmware. You need to use a board such as the XBIB-U-DEV board for that.