Xbee series 2 meshing configuration

i have one query actually i have 3 xbees series2.
i want xbee 1(sensor+xbee(end device)) and xbee 2 as coordinator,where XBee2 will be attched to MCU.
now i have xbee 3 which again((sensor+xbee(end device)).
now i want to make xbee3 also to communicate with coordinator(Xbee2).
now i have kept the same pan ID of Xbee1 and xbee3 as like Xbee2.
and again i have set xbee1 and xbee3 destination address for the Xbee 2 .

now my question are
1)how do i program the MCU using ecclipse enivironment for recieving both Xbee1 and Xbee3 data?
an di wnat to comminicate all Xbees with UART communication means i wnat to read data using pin 2 and 3 of Xbee…is it poosible??
can anyone provide me the code for developing this procedure???


What is the full part numbers of the XBee modules you are working with?

No, you will need to develop the code on your own or contract someone two write it for you.

Xbee series 2 is zigbee module name.
u mean no one has code for developing that atleast related to that on any controller…or something which is going to help me for start of my project?

Digi provides a library for interfacing with XBee modules at https://github.com/digidotcom/xbee_ansic_library/. I have developed products with that library on Windows using the Eclipse IDE and MinGW toolchain, Visual Studio, etc. It might be a little overkill for your project but something to look into.