Hi everyone! I have had my first XBee modules (2 XBee ZB) since last week. I’ve been reading a lot to try to understand all the aspects need it too put them to work under the requirements of a project that I have. I haven’t found a clear response to a particular question and I hope you could help me.
1.- What’s the difference between RF Data Transfer and Data Throughput.
I also have a more specific question that could bring light to what I really want to know.
2.- Supposing I am working the modules in API mode. One of them is connected to a computer (Coordinator) and the other is connected to a micro-controller (Router/End Device). I am sampling with the micro-controller at certain speed and sending it via UART to the XBee Router/End Device. The specific frame type that I am using to send the data sampled is Transmit Request (Frame Type 0x10). If you look in the manual you’ll find that to send 2 bytes of data (10-bit samples), it is needed 17 bytes more of information: Start Delimiter (1 byte), Length (2 Bytes), …, Checksum (1 Byte). That’s information of interest to the programmer, but primarily to the XBee modules. The question is: Does Data Throughput (which is 35000 bps in XBee ZB modules) has to do with the amount of user data (10-bit samples in my example) that can be send, or the amount of user and machine data (the whole API packet) that can be send in practice?