XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit - Can't see Xbee radio in Device Cloud

I recently purchased the XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit. But I’ve hit a problem I can’t get past.

Xbee Gateway - ZB, WiFi (Firmware
Xbee onboard radio (XBP24C-XBEE PRO Fw: 405F)
Xbee remote radio (XBP24C-XBEE TH PRO Fw: 405F)

Here is what I’ve done:
1.) Connected the Gateway to my local Wi-Fi. (no problem here)
2.) Create Device Cloud account (no problem here).
3.) Add Xbee Gateway to Device Cloud (this is where my problems start)

I’ve added the Gateway, and it shows that it’s “connected”; however, the status is “Unknown” and when I click on “Xbee Networks”, I don’t see the onboard Xbee radio or my Xbee radio that is connected to my development board. I originally tried doing all of this setup through “xbeegateway.herokuapp.com”, but while I was able to find my Gateway (step 2.), I couldn’t find my Xbee (step 3.). I pushed the “Don’t see your Xbee?” button, but it does nothing (literally nothing). So, for now I’m just working in the Device Cloud, since I imagine I can’t find my xbee on the app because my Xbee network isn’t showing up in Device cloud, right?

One very strange thing, is that the MAC address that shows up in the Device Cloud after I add my device, doesn’t match the MAC address I typed in when adding the device (which is the Serial Number on the back of the Gateway). The MAC I type and the MAC that shows up in the “Devices” field of the Device Cloud are one number off. Can this be right?

More info:
The kit comes with the Gateway, a development board, and an Xbee Pro S2C.

  • The “Associate” light is blinking indicating that it is connected to the “Coordinator” Xbee in the Gateway.
  • If I log into the Gateway Web GUI locally (http://192.168.xx), I see that both the local Xbee (coordinator) and remote Xbee (router)
  • I’ve re-added the device 10+ times.
  • I’ve updated the firmware on both the remote Xbee and the Xbee inside the Gateway (versions listed at the top).
  • I’ve read through many of the docs and forum posts.

Other strange behavior:

  • On the Xbee Gateway Web Interface, under “Device Information”, the “Current System Status” and “Network Connectivity Status” never populate.

This is my first exposure to Xbee ZigBee modules and the Xbee Wi-Fi Gateway, so I’m not sure where to go next. I’m super frustrated at this point.

Sound like you may be blocking a few of the ports needed.

UDP port 53, for DNS
UDP port 123, for NTP
TCP port 3199, for Remote Manager


In Device Cloud, under the Device Management tab, if you select “XBee Networks” and the device ID of your gateway, are you able to see both the coordinator node (the XBee inside the gateway) and your remote node? The XBee ZigBee Cloud Kit app just queries Device Cloud for information about all XBees on the network, so if Device Cloud is not able to see the nodes, then the app isn’t either.

(Edit) Sorry, I missed this part of your post: . Not seeing either XBee in Device Cloud could explain the behavior you are seeing. Under Documentation -> API Explorer, could you try sending Examples -> RCI -> XBee -> Discover nodes?

Also, you said that the “Don’t see your XBee?” button does nothing. Can you elaborate on that? If you’re using Google Chrome, can you press F12, select the Console tab, and tell us if any errors appear there when you click that button?

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Thanks to those who responded. I wanted to post my resolution in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.

After struggling with this issue for awhile I decided to try plugging the gateway directly into my router (I had only been using Wi-Fi previously). That resolved the problem – no other changes, just simply plugged it into my router.

I opened a ticket with Digi and they investigated why things didn’t seem to work when using Wi-Fi. They came to the conclusion that my gateway was likely defective and issued me an RMA to replace it.

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