I got two new xbee series2 modem.

Modem type is: XB24-B

Firmware vversion is:1120

Fuction set is:zigbee coordinator API

I want to communicate between two modem…hence i want to set two operating channel of the modem same.but i cant set the operating channel of my own…
i want to send a ATND command from one modem and get the rssi signal strength of another modem…

Anyone pls help me pls


Operating Channel is only readable, you cannot set it, which means CH - Read the channel number used for transmitting and receiving between RF modules. Uses 802.15.4 channel numbers. A value of 0 means the device has not joined a PAN and is not operating on any channel.

Give a PAN IN same on both the modules and see if it communicates.
If the two modules communicates then their CH value will be same.