Im currently using a ultimate adafruit gps v3 to get NMEA sentences from my gps receiver. I want to also get the 1PPS and send it from one xbee3 to another but I have run into problems. The 1PPS is supposed to run high @ 3.3v for 50-100ms at the start of a second every second. I have a transmitter xbee set up with the gps rx tx pins connected directly to the din dout pins and the 1pps sent to DIO2.
On the other side I have an xbee (and arduino plugged into the xbee to get the data). I have tried to grab only the edge triggers by setting the transmitter xbee to digital input (on the pin connected to the 1pps) and the receiving xbee to digital out (HIGH) since I need the receiver xbee to detect the 1pps only when it goes high, this however has not worked. I tried a variety of things and while I can set it to IR sampling of once every 50ms it just keeps detecting high on the pin, this doesn’t make sense, I have also confirmed that the pulse is properly being sent from the 1pps pin on an oscilloscope.
My question is, how do I set up the xbees to make it so that when the transmitter xbee gets a HIGH trigger from the 1PPS it sends a signal to the receiving xbee? I haven’t gotten IC to work at all.