Unfortunately we just can’t give you a definitive date. Every time our engineering gives us a date they push it back. Right “now” it’s like Jeremy said, the end of this month (approximately August 29th).
I can’t guarantee that when that dates comes something else may have been discovered by engineering and they’ll have to push it back even more. My “gut” tells me that this time they will be ready because we just have to much pressure put on them right now. The director of engineering will be in our Austin location tomorrow and I’ll try to pin him down.
Rest assured it’s very frustrating for us in support as well. We have told people for weeks that the drivers will be ready on a specific date and it doesn’t come to pass. It’s better for us to just say we believe they will be ready on this date, and we’ll let you know if and when things change.
I wish I could have something more definitive for you, I really do apologize.
Here’s my take on all of this. Some software dev piped up and said, “Ah yeah, I can convert the driver to x64. Should only take a week or two.” Now it’s been months and the guy doesn’t know what he’s doing and the Dev team doesn’t realize how unprofessional this makes them look. It will take that “one” customer to email the CEO of the company and explain how unprofessional and frustated we all are.
I assure all of you that we will let you know as soon as it’s ready. You’ll probably find out (and get the file) before it’s even released on our website.
Again, thank you for your continued patience and understanding.
The amount of time we are having to wait is ridiculous. Can you please provide an update on the status of this 64 bit driver? If you are unable to, can you please provide me with the contact details of a suitably senior staff member who is able to commit to a deadline for its development and release?
A 64-bit AnywhereUSB driver is definitely on our roadmap. Unfortunately, this driver been delayed, as you may have noticed by looking through this thread.
The best source of this information is your local sales representative. Please add your e-mail address to your profile (let me know once you’ve done that) and I’ll have someone contact you. I’ll ask that person to first talk to our product manager to try to get a firm release date for you.
Great news, everyone! The 64-bit AnywhereUSB driver is now available, although not yet “officially” available on our website. Be assured that the driver that I can provide is the exact same version that will end up on our website in the coming weeks.
I’ll send an e-mail to all of you (those who have e-mail addresses on their profiles) with the driver attached as a .zip file. Please reply here if you don’t receive the file.
I have posted a note on the support page prior to looking into the forum - I am in the same position - needing the 64 bit driver for AnywhereUSB - could you please forward?
can you please send the 64 bit driver for Anywhere USB to me too? I am waiting for this since April, but I did not nag, since it seemed to me you have enough of that Now, I wouldn’t like to left out in cold