AnywhereUSB Vista Drivers

Are there any plans to release drivers for Microsoft Windows Vista?
If that is the case, when will they be released?




Yes there are plans but they unfortunately are aways off. The way I understand it from our product manager it may be 8-10 months.

If you’d like I can have a sales person contact you to discuss your needs further.

Please let me know how you’d like to proceed and/or if you have any questions.

Best regards,
Mike Swift

Thank you for the fast reply,
I’ll send you an email for further discussion.

Best regards,


Dear all,

I bought a AnywhereUsb/5 one month ago. I’m looking for Vista Drivers for in your web site and I can’t see Windows Vista Drivers for this product jet.

Have you some new about this issue?

Thanks in advance.

The new v2.60 AnywhereUSB driver, which adds support for Vista and Server 2008 (both 32-bit and 64-bit) is now available, just not yet on our website.

If you already have an older driver installed, you should first uninstall it by clicking “View / Driver Information / Uninstall” in the AnywhereUSB Configuration Utility and then reboot the PC when prompted.

Download the driver via one of the following links.

32-bit version:

64-bit version:

The Microsoft Visual C++ 2005 runtime libraries must be installed next, BEFORE installing the AnywhereUSB driver. These runtime libraries are included in the 40002670 and 40002668 install packages in the “Redistributable Libraries” folder.

For 32-bit Windows Operating systems: vcredist_x86.exe For 64-bit Windows Operating systems: vcredist_x64.exe

After extracting the 40002670 or 40002668 AnywhereUSB installation package to a temporary location on your hard disk, browse to the “Redistributable Libraries” folder and run the vcredist_x.exe found there. After it completes installation you may then install the AnywhereUSB drivers by running Setup.exe. Failure to do so will result in the AnywhereUSB driver installation failing and the configuration utility being unable to start properly.