I would like to use the ZB modules to build a mesh network but unfortunately I can not find the ZB adapter for interfacing with the WatchPort sensor. So I have to change a little my deisgn to use the 802.15.4 modules. Can anyone tell me the difference b/t these 2 technologies? Can I use API mode for these 2 types of modules?
Yes, you can use API mode to talk to the two different technologies. However they do use different API structures so you would need to account for that.
IMO the DIGI web site is very difficult to navigate. I have spent many hours trying to locate drop in net working devices and documentation only to give up and call DIGI support directly.
There is an XBee ZB sensor adapter that you can use to interface to a watchport sensor. The part number is: XA-Z16-CS1R , this is a Xbee Adapter (XA); ZigBee protocol (Z16); Regular power (CS1R). If you type this into the DIGI web site search box you will not find it.
As for requesting data from the adapter look at the ‘Perform a Network Node Discovery’ in the ‘Digi Python Programming Guide (90000833_B)’ this will at get you started. Then read the xbee_sensor section and zigbee section on using ddo_get and ddo_set
Thank you mvut, I have another question: I want to use AT command in API mode. The AT command set allows to read/write or set/get the values of addresses having specific address. In my application, I have some devices that send data to the (ID buffer of) module Zigbee, but there is no specific AT command to read these data and I dont want to use transparent mode. Can I use Python to solve this problem?
How can a master/cordinator (ConnectPort par ex.) request for specific data sent by slave device which is connected to an adapter Xbee/RS232 par ex. 'cause there is no command to do that?
How can the slave device send a response for this command?
“There is an XBee ZB sensor adapter that you can use to interface to a watchport sensor. The part number is: XA-Z16-CS1R , this is a Xbee Adapter (XA); ZigBee protocol (Z16); Regular power (CS1R).”
Keep in mind, a ZB version of the 1-Wire Sensor adapter was never officially released (though the part number mentioned was created, it never made it to the channel). The 1-Wire Sensor adapter which is available is the ZNet 2.5 version, which you could then convert to ZB, but looking at the 2x70 ZB code I see this funtion set no longer exists so this firmware is only available in 2x64.