I get in my hand a Digi Conect SP with Ram Based FTP Server.
Is there a manual for this FTP server?
I want to access boot menu on a Connect SP in order to install a serial server console to connect a serial barcode scanner.
The unit is Connect SP CF/W RS232.
Now has Ram Based FTP Server.
I did try to connect pin 3 and 4 and use them together with the rest switch with no good result.
Is there other way to get to the boot loader to put the last firmware file.
The unit has no web page.
NET+WORKS Version 6.0
Connect-SP ID: 1
Copyright (c) 2003, NETsilicon, Inc.
PLATFORM: connectsp
APPLICATION: Ram-based FTP Server Application
IP address on LAN is
LAN interface’s subnet mask is
IP address of default gateway to other networks is
Serial channels will use a baud rate of 9600
This board’s serial number is N99999999
This board’s MAC Address is 00:40:9D:BA:DB:AD
After board is reset, start-up code will wait 10 seconds
Default duplex setting for Ethernet connection: phy Default
Press any key in 10 seconds to change these settings.
RAM based FTP Server ready.
Maybe somebody can help me.
Thank you,
You can ftp the new image.elf into flash by doing the following:
user is, root
password is, password
Thank you for the answer.
Password for root is not password.
With root user and password Netsilicon I have this error:
The FTP server 215 NET+ARM version 1.1
is currently unsupported.
Thank you,
It seems that using TOTAL Commander I was able to transfer the files.
1.Renamed 82000909_G.bin to image.elf and transfer to the device.
2.Renamed 82000908_L1.bin to image.elf and transfer to the device.
Is this the correct procedure?
Thank you,
Sorry about the confusion
The image.elf is for debugging using your debugger the image.bin file is the correct one to enter into flash.
Sorry about that I didn’t realize I put image.elf.
My units are new in the package, they came only with the FTP server.
The serial port post is :
NET+WORKS Version 6.0
Connect-SP ID: 1
Copyright (c) 2003, NETsilicon, Inc.
PLATFORM: connectsp
APPLICATION: Ram-based FTP Server Application
IP address on LAN is
LAN interface’s subnet mask is
IP address of default gateway to other networks is
Serial channels will use a baud rate of 9600
This board’s serial number is N99999999
This board’s MAC Address is 00:40:9D:BA:DB:AD
After board is reset, start-up code will wait 5 seconds
Default duplex setting for Ethernet connection: phy Default
Press any key in 5 seconds to change these settings.
RAM based FTP Server ready.
What I did:
Downloaded the two files from firmware update page,
82000909_G.bin (POST)
82000908_L1.bin (EOS)
I renamed the first to image.bin and uploaded with FTP to the unit and reboot the unit.
I renamed the second image.bin and uploaded with FTP to the unit and reboot the unit.
No there is no post on the serial connection and no ping response.
What did I did wrong?
Thank you,
The Connect SP’s that you have are custom modules, they are designed to be loaded with custom firmware images that are generated by a NET+OS build.
The images you loaded are standard firmware images which are incompatible with this module. You can try to force the module into a recovery state by following the KB article below:
If it gives you a TFTP/serial recovery then you should be able to load a NET+OS image. If not, then you’ll probably need to replace the device as flash has been corrupted.
I hope this helps,
I don’t know how to connect DIGI with barcode scanner. Does DIGI has project for adding barcode scanner or offer API for integrating barcode scanner?
This is very old version of netos:
NET+WORKS Version 6.0
try user root, password Netsilicon