I can't connect to Digi Connect ME

I need to work with a module “digi connect me”, but I can not connect to it

I have connected the pins of the module:

7 - TX
8- RX
14 - Reset -> to vcc (3,3V)
15 - VCC -> to vcc 3,3V
16 - GND
20 - SWRST -> to vcc (3,3V)

When I connect the power to the module, the module serial port sends this:

.NET OS Version 6.x.2
Copyright (c) 1997-2007, Digi International, Inc.
.PLATFORM: connectme
.APPLICATION: Ram-based FTP Server Application
. The board will obtain IP configuration parameters from the network.
. Serial channels will use a baud rate of 9600
. This board’s serial number is N99999999
. This board’s Ethernet MAC Address is 00:40:9D:46:0B:72
. After board is reset, start-up code will wait 5 seconds
Default duplex setting for Ethernet connection: default
.Press any key in 5 seconds to change these settings.

IAM - Got DHCP IPv4 address on interface eth0
.IAM - Got AUTOIP IPv4 address on interface eth0:0
.Network IP configured.
.RAM based FTP Server ready.

The ethernet port of the module is connected to router with DCHP enabled. My PC is connected to the same router. The IP of the PC is The firewall and the antivirus of the PC it’s off.

In the terminal console I sent a ping to and this responds ok

The yellow LED is connected fixed and the green LED is off but this is ON when i send a ping to module and turn off later.

I go to web browser to direcction but this don’t respond. Why?

In terminal console, I send telnet and telnet and telnet but don’t respond anything.

Assuming I remember correctly, the default shipping application supports ftp but not http. You should be able to ftp into the device using username user and password password. You’d need to ftp an application (image.bin) into the device. An application that included http (a web server). If you do so you are advised to create an application that includes both ftp and http.

Hello, in what program did you see this lines? Was your device found by the Digi Device Discovery Tool? I’m having the same problem.

Ok, so by virtue of this output we know that the module is a -C, meaning it is associated with a NET+OS development environment.

What do you mean by the statement “Hello, in what program did you see this lines?”…

There is a good chance you are using the discovery tool that onliy works with the -S module (plug-and-play). The discovery tool for the -C module (associated with the NET+OS development environment is shipped with NET+OS. Thus besides doing FTP, you will not be able to do much with this module without the NET+OS development kit.