Root password

Hi everybody,

I have bought a digi connect ME DC-ME-01T-C

On serial port i have this message


NET+OS Version 6.x.2
Copyright (c) 1997-2007, Digi International, Inc.

PLATFORM: connectme
APPLICATION: Ram-based FTP Server Application

The board will obtain IP configuration parameters from the network.
Serial channels will use a baud rate of 9600
This board’s serial number is N99999999
This board’s Ethernet MAC Address is 00:40:9D:3C:D3:6C
After board is reset, start-up code will wait 5 seconds
Default duplex setting for Ethernet connection: default

Press any key in 5 seconds to change these settings.

Press A to Accept the settings, or M to Modify?
Press A to Accept the settings, or M to Modify?
Press A to Accept the settings, or M to Modify?
Press A to Accept the settings, or M to Modify?
Press A to Accept the settings, or M to Modify?
Press A to Accept the settings, or M to Modify?M

Enter the root password:


dbps is not the password, what is the default password to configure?

Thks a lot


Hi try password. You can find the passord in appconf.h in definition APP_ROOT_PASSWORD

Take care about define APP_USE_NVRAM.


Try “netsilicon”

The name of user is : root
password is : password

Actually try Netsilicon (capital N) or password