Altium Models for Rabbit cores?

Anybody has build altium/protel pcb models for rabbit cores? I dont undesrtand how is possible DIGI/Rabbit dont release that models to that first class program.

Best regards.

Here is my user library
-PCB Library made with PCBLib 5.0 and unit is mm.
-This Library isn’t tested.

Rabbit Semiconductor library for Altium/Protel Ver 1.1
Updated for Rabbit 5000,RCM5400, RCM3900, RCM3305 and some variations.
Fix some PCB Footprint problems.

Altium Lib

Protel 99SE Lib


Wow! Thanks a lot! Great job! You have all the cores theres, is a great librarye. Thanks again.

[QUOTE=moroheiya;1585]Here is my user library
-PCB Library made with PCBLib 5.0 and unit is mm.
-This Library isn’t tested.[/quote]


Any way to convert this to Protel 99 library format? I can’t open it with my Protel 99SE sp6 version.

Best Regards,

Oh, Sorry for late reply.

I converted Altium lib to Protel 4.0 lib.
It is not checked, because I don’t have Protel99SE.

library is here.

best regards.