I have a problem to connect a EToken over the AnywhereUSB.
I can initialization the Token with the Aladdin-tool but Safeboot cann’t find the token.
I think Safeboot need some what AnywhereUSB - driver not have.
I don’t know
Please HELP
We are having a similiar (or identical) issue with a Virtual Windows 2003 Standard Machine on ESX 3.5. The Aladdin “eToken Pro 32k” can be initialised and also read from, however the Safeboot software does not recognise it. Operations have been done from Virtual Infrastructure Console (to rule out possibe mstsc /console issues).
Any Hint or Suggestion on what to try / howto proceed would be very welcomed. If someone has this constellation working (aladdin etoken + VM windows + anywhere usb) please let me know.
I will update informations once i start diggin deeper into this problem.
Thanks in advance,
Hello gentleman,
The way I understand it the actual USB hardware installs ok via our AnywhereUSB (no problems reported in device manager) but your software application is not able to locate a dongle as being attached.
We have seen this situation before.
Would it be possible for our engineering group to get the software/hardware/drivers needed to recreate this problem?
Also, if either of you are running this in a virtual machine environment could you confirm that you get the same behavior on a stand alone system?
Mike S